08 March, 2008

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. The truth on the abuses of one pseudoscience. COMMITTEE Of the CITIZENS FOR the HUMAN RIGHTS Onlus - section of Monza and from Thomas Szasz, emerito university professor of psichiatria University of Syracuse, New York in order to investigate and to denounce the psychiatric violations of the human rights. 6 thursdays March to the 17, in know it conferences of former Biblioteca-Pinacoteca Church S. Smaller Michele (pressed Manganelli public square), will come presentation the book Come from the small go them (Editions Traces, Pescara) of dr. the event are organized from the Regional Province of Catania/Assessorato to the Cultural Political. The book has gained 2° the absolute prize in the novellistic section of the literary competition "National Prize Histonium" (2007). Godmother of the initiative and the presentation is the doctor Serafina Perra, than, like the author, it will be present and participate to the evening. "Nobody would have less to be private of the freedom than it has not been demonstrated guilty of a crime. Ritalin and propaganda, to Bologna inquire the Nas. ROME - the Ritalin case still is not closed. Then series of verifications has delegated the Nas for one. New initiative of the association explains the same Poma during a press conference convened in the capoluogo emiliano in order to introduce one, "protected School". The introduced initiative, instead, "Protected School" (with a situated one: www. "School Protect" against the medicalizzazione of the school. Down the Hands from the Bambini® - the most representative independent committee for the farmacovigilanza in active pediatric age in Italy (. On these circumstances, the Power of attorney of the Republic has little days ago opened an inquiry, delegating the NAS to the most opportune verifications for the identification of the eventual penal responsibilities. "Down the Hands from the Children" from answer to this worrisome situation launch the plan "Protected School". The plan has also the scope to speed up teaching and parents to find again the vituous relationship scuola/famiglia, too much often compromise ". Here the characteristics of the plan: - on the dominion. it has been realized a situated accessible Internet from teaching, garrisons, not teaching staff and parents, free of charge and liberations, without some necessity to record themselves or to enroll themselves. - to the aim to avoid repeating itself of cases like that one of Bologna, the customer will be able to signal in doubt case - compiling on situated a simplest module on-linens - to a true one and just run of e-Learning, that is one formation at a distance on these thematic (from the name "and-Campuses Protected School"). Sardinia: units of psichiatria under accusation. Asl 8 has suspended Gian Paul Turri, head physician of Psichiatria of the hospital Saintest Trinità of Cagliari, after the commit to trial for culpable homicide. The suspension has happened as a result of the dead women of Giuseppe Casu. Giuseppe Casu, pedlar of Quartu Sant' Elena, was passed away the 22 june 2006 after seven days of obligatory sanitary treatment in the unit directed from Turri. The patient after the shelter had been subordinate to one therapy made up of sedati and physical contenzione to you. In these years they have been expenses hundred of migliaia of euro in the most debatable and clientelari advisings, often entrusted persons who did not have requirement. All to dispetto of the Sardinian professionalities. Through this management of the psichiatria in Sardinia - Massidda continues - one is being followed old outline of 30 years already previously bocciato also from many committees of left. In the meantime more the weak people, meaning familiar patients and, are more and more deprive of hope to you ". INFANCY: TOSCANA.PDL AGAINST ABUSE PSICOFARMACI CHILDREN LIVES TO US. (HANDLE) - FLORENCE, 5 MAR - the regional councilmen of the Left Rainbow have introduced one prescribed bill in parliament for the resource to the somministrazione of substances psicotrope to the children to which come diagnosed the so-called Adhd syndrome, than manifest with iperattività attitudes and deficit of attention and that, second the esteem, hit in Italy approximately 1% of the boys in wrap of age 6-18 years, with approximately 3600 cases in Tuscany. Draft, informs a famous one, of one innovative bill in parliament: in Italy single Piemonte and Friuli Venice guardian Julia and the rights of the minors and their families to being been involved and correctly inform to you regarding the entire distance. "We speed up an participation of the Region that is called to express itself on delicate argument, like the resource the psicofarmaci in order to cure the minors, that it divides the scientific community, operating sanitary and the associations - councilmen Luciano Ghelli (Pdci), Luca Ciabatti and Monica Sgherri (Prc emphasize), Mario Lupi and Fabio Roggiolani (Greens), Alexia Petraglia (Sd) -: without to enter in the merit of the divisions between the several schools of thought it goes given a precise indication in the treatment of the educational syndrome and to make appeal to the treatment with psicofarmaci only if equipped from analytical data us fruit with studies rigorous clinicians". Between the characterizing points more of the bill in parliament, the obligation that the tests for the assessment of the Adhd syndrome come only carries out in structures that they make part you of the regional sanitary service and from part of operating sanitary characterized, the necessity of the consent of the parents regarding the somministrazione of the psicofarmaci, the involvement of the commission regional bioethics and the councillorship to. DRUGS FOR CHILDREN WITH POINT OUT TO YOU THAT THEY IGNITE IPERATTIVITA'. Four drugs for children on ten contain point out to you that they ignite hyperactive behaviors you. Between these, syrups anticough, pain-killers and antibiotics, ' dopati' with a massive one cocktail of point out to you craft used them like coloring or conserving. The substances chemistries under accusation have been ' stanate' in 17 of the 37 products made up of paracetamolo. They were contained also in two of the 11 products with ibuprofene and in four of the nine syrups for the throat. Between antibiotics, three of the five products made up of amoxicillina and two of the eight formulations with eritromicina contained the indicted substances. Some of drugs analyze to you were authorize to you also for children under the three years. We ask being colored the producers to put a cartellino red to the use of useless ". The Gb association has published a directory of products that contain often point out to you ' sospetti' on its situated web www E' be said that who does not know the history is condemned to repeat it. This sure is worth for the Practical ones of the psichiatria, whose "destructive cures" and the false solutions have carried to the ruin of the society more and more times. The evolution of the psichiatria has not followed scientific bases but the moneies and, like instrument of the state, the political tendencies of the moment. This short arc of time makes from report the history that is being repeated. We have begun with first practicing, whose brutal treatments and social programs turned out in inexpressibile suffering and pain. You will see that in the case of the psichiatria, some things never do not change. The first treatments for the sick ones of mind were not different from the torture. The patients came confine to you in cages, cells or stables for animals, chain knots to you to the walls, stick and lashes to you. Before the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, the word psycology meant "logia - psiche" and "study - spirit". The eugenetica word, that it means "the good species", was coined from the English psychologist Francis Galton (cousins of Charles Darwin). Galton teorizzò that the selective crossing of the adapted one could carry to the advanced race, as the English aristocracy of which it made part. Ploetz proposed that the medical cures were not supplied the "weak people" therefore that could die. Rudin instead became one of the main architects of the program of "inadatti" nazi hygiene racial in order to free the Germany from. It finances from powerful families Americans to you, the psichiatri have promoted the eugenetica like one "science". In short time, laws on obligatory sterilization were approved of in 24 states Americans and nearly all the not catholic nations of the west, yearnings "to purify the geniuses". They were sterilizes to you criminal, drug addicts, crowds and idiots and, poor and too much often illiterate. In Sweden, one of the reasons of sterilization was "the unmistakable characteristics of the zingari". Under the aegis of these laws, United States, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway forced to sterilization approximately 164. Psichiatra the Alfred Hoche and Karl Binding, Head of the Justice of the German Reich, wrote the book "the permission to destroy the life of the dishonourable persons of living". The human genetics and the racial hygiene were written from Erwin Bauer, Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz. 1933 - 1938: The BIRTH Of the TREATMENTS Made up of SHOCK. Promoted like "miraculous cure", the psicochirurgia it was developed in order to destroy woven healthy of the brain and to control the behavior of the man. A study, lasted 12 years on the patients of Egas Moniz, ideatore of the lobotomia, showed that they had fallen back, epilettiche and died crises. Freeman complicated prefrontal lobotomia promoted with the use of punteruolo one less. Moniz executed and supervisionò migliaia of these operations, letting to the shoulders patients with destroyed brains it damages and screw to you. The psichiatri German the mental ones began their extermination sterilizing sick and found, in the nazi regimen, very decided a collaborator for their plans of eugenetica. Within 1941 the plan was completed with "happening" with the extermination of 300. Brock Chisholm was supporter of the general plan of J. Rees of 1940, carrying ahead one of the main scopes of the psichiatria: the "reinterpretazione and finally the uprooting of just and mistaken the concept of". Chisholm asserted that in order to prevent a war it was necessary that the psichiatri they eliminated "moralitá". In carrying ahead this mission the psichiatria has created a escalation of violence, crime and a society that misuses psicofarmaci. 1948: THE WORLD-WIDE FEDERATION OF THE MENTAL HEALTH. Since then the WFMH has carried out functions of advising for the governments relatively to the subject of the political on the mental health. In the specific one, the necessity of an always greater number of psichiatri and deep. The clorpromazina (Thorazine) was discovered from psichiatri French the Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker, was the first "antipsychotic" drug. Raggirando the governments in order to obtain the approval of obbligatori farmacologici treatments on the patients have been guaranteed of the consumers to life. In the United States he comes approved of the Ritalin, an exciting that possesses characteristics similar to the cocaine. To million children he comes somministrato the Ritalin. New types of antidepressants, like as an example the Prozac, were reclamizzati conte psicofarmaci sure with little effects collaterals regarding their predecessori. In the course of 15 years from their discovery, these drugs were prescribed for every symptom, from the jealousy to the depression. But in the 2004 they were reveals an always greater number to you of effects collaterals on this type of psicofarmaci regarding whichever other type. This was the way in order to justify greater financings in order "to carry out searches on one biological base for the mental disease". From 2000: TO DAMAGE In the NAME Of the AID In the course of its 200 history years the psichiatria has not succeeded to determine the cause or to develop one single cure of no mental disturbance. Its treatments cause pains and inexpressibile suffering to those who try aid. Instead improving the mental health in the society, the psichiatria from there draws enormous profits. Today the psichiatria is creating the appearance of a scientific progress in the cure of the mental disease with new treatments to the brain. But as the history has demonstrated, the miraculous new cure today is the atrociousness tomorrow. With the psichiatria some things never do not change, their methods continue to damage in the name of the aid. Trento: Multimediale extension. PSICHIATRIA: A TRAVEL WITHOUT Last and present RETURN of the psychiatric errors and horrors Trento, Palace of the Region, Knows it of Representation, 18 - 21 and 25 - 28 March 2008 from hours 9 to hours 20. Ceremony of inauguration the day 18 March to hours 10. The declared objective is that one to inform the citizens and especially sensibilizzar them on the violations of the human rights perpetrated in particular way to the damages of the categories more weak people. Recently it has been sended one petition to the Ministry of the Health in order to bring back in auge the electric shock treatment. And the recent interview has provoked much fuss shock rilasciata from Dr. Cassano in which, denying tout court the truth of the facts, it has promoted the electric shock treatment dealing it like miraculous cure. Little persons know that the electric shock treatment practical anchor to Pisa, where Dr. Cassano works, like pure to Brescia, Oristano, Cagliari, Bressanone and Brunico, and in several private clinics to Rome, Verona and Bologna. The extension includes one section also on this topic. Other burning topic is that one of the TSO (Obligatory Sanitary Treatment). The nature of the TSO would have to be that one of a sanitary provision of exceptional character, that it limits the personal freedom of who is subject. The abuse history that we have collected indicate one different truth. The introductory video of the extension says: "Tasks that the psichiatria does not have null to that to make with you. The psichiatria has by now an immense one to be able and it is inserted in all the ganglia of the power and the society. If we only become victims of psychiatric abuses and single when hit directly we become account of the danger, but to that point it could too much be late. The obtainable information visiting the extension are not currently available from no other part, if not completing one long and laborious search. PSICHIATRIA: beyond to the damage also the prank Which truth hidden on the electric shock treatment and the psicofarmaci. Today the Courier filler an English study that reveals that the antidepressants are useless and comparable to the placebo. As we put it hour with the million persons who are assuming from years psicofarmaci extols you like absolutely sure and only solution to the "mental diseases". Who glielo goes to say that they are to risk of dead women. Or mentono those who promotes psicofarmaci or mentono the Cassano and Koukopoulos. (- - famous adding from ours blog: and if both mentissero. We emphasize that Cassano promotes is one is the other solution. As we put it with the billions, of our taxes sudate, than through the sanitary bottom they come generous lavished to the druggist houses. Cassano, tried in the physicist and the mind very more than before that finissero under treatment. It would appeal to to me that someone organized a public, even television comparison, between dr. the Cassano with its cures and its collaborators and my methods and my collaborators. Antonucci on the Day of some day makes. I and two "housewives", using my method, are in a position to helping a so-called "schizophrenic" without the use of psicofarmaci and treatments much best of dr. the Cassano and its collaborators. and we can demonstrate it. Moreover this with decidedly inferior costs is in economic but above all human terms ". Cassano plays guilty with the words when it says that today the electric shock treatment is various and does not provoke more damages since carried out under anesthesia and injection of mielorilassanti. We make an example: if it gives one to you hammered in head while six wide awake one, is probable that you will feel much pain beyond to the obvious physical damages. If it gives same martellata to you while six under anesthesia, you will not feel the pain, but the damage remains. In the same document it is not only made of the psychological terrorism saying the patient that if is not undergone... it has a longer and serious period of disease and weakening. The document asserts that eventual fallen back after the electric shock treatment they come "avoided" with the assumption of psicofarmaci. Mother mine is a dannatamente incorrect circle. In the light of the declarations of Koukopoulos it would have also to inquire to this point on what means above all with "psicofarmaci expensive and lethal" on the affirmation "lethal". A note on the expensive one: the psichiatria in America with 12 dollars of current embeds 5 billions. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights onlus. The comment of Luigi Cancrini with respect to the petition of the psichiatri to the minister of the Turkish Health in order to ask one greater spread for the therapy. For the patient the electric shock treatment is not only little useful, but "it comes lived from the person like one violence and trauma serious" a ROME - "To ask piu' centers for the therapy with the electric shock treatment e' one great sciocchezza. They exit from the intontite therapy and a po' euforizzate, then become account of what the e' happened, and often they are killed ". Who does not understand this, concludes Cancrini, "does not have to make the psichiatra, but unfortunately ago and reacts to the failures with this type of brutal therapies". Article taken integrally from this page web:. the democracy allows us to express our free thought on whichever subject. The psichiatria asks to open tens of centers in Italy in order to make the electric shock treatment. We propose to sign and to send this petition to the Minister Turkish Livia. Who was of agreement with the petition can: 1) Scaricare and to compile the module that are found in bottom to the page web. and to send it via fax to the Ministry of the Health to the number contained in the module 2) Stampare and sending the module via regular mail to the address indicated in the module 3) to make to turn this petition signaling it on all the blog, forum and situated possible. Here the ideologies enter not there, you leave or the religions. and to prevent the promotion of practical "therapeutic" barbaric. The WORD To THAT IT HAS RECEIVED the ELECTRIC SHOCK TREATMENT. PSICOFARMACI TO THE MINORS PASSES TO THE UNANIMITÀ THE BILL IN PARLIAMENT IN TRENTINO. They have been deals the medical, cultural and social aspects to you of this phenomenon, let alone the legal aspect. More than 150 parents, teaching, medical they have actively participated and they had occasion to comprise the thematic one in object, therefore from being able to make choices aware. Introduced from provincial councilman De Eccher, that he has informed the present ones of the approval to the unanimità (to see), from part of IV the permanent Commission of the Province of Trento, of the bill n. Cestari (President CCDU Italy), of the avv. Of France (district Chairman Kiwanis International Italy - Saint Marino), of Dr. Plotegher (doctor and Councilman Comunale di Rovereto), of Dr. Bombarda (Councilman Provinciale), of Dr. Poma (national Megaphone campaign "Down the hands from the Children). Word ADHD only assumes therefore the "value" of "spiegatutto" that in truth it does not clear null, while deceives parents and teaching to have found why. The public present has expressed great satisfaction, and you it has been one warm participation with participations and questions turned to the relatori. We will continue to work in order to inform the public and to promote institutional initiatives and of law in order to safeguard the health of the minors. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights onlus. How many, of the million persons who have received the electric shock treatment, would be of agreement with the affirmation of the Dr. Must become account that the "psychiatric treatments" are simply one stupro of the spirit. Cassano has buried whichever critic and all the dramatic history with affirmations type: "it is all literature". , literature made on the skin people. The only thing of which Cassano it is taken care is that Cerletti has mistaken name: it did not have to call it electric shock treatment. Like if to change name to something, made it to seem more human. The stupro it is stupro even if it calls it "not consenziente sexual relationship". Therefore, if these are provoked to epilettiche convulsions "drive away", like if were the malocchio, the depression. One eccentric theory, like many others. Moreover the indirect labor costs and economic of this approach dramatically are reduced, in sure cases until 90%. Antonucci, to the time of its job in the units, says that the only ones to being displeased were the druggist representatives. Perhaps Cassano wants instead to favor the company electrical worker... The Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights asks from years the practical cancellation for this brutal one. Director Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights onlus. LISTENED TO the INTERVIEW To CASSANO (GONE IN WAVE ON RADIO24). If succeeded to find some, sended Your comments to us to. (we keep ourselves to knowing Your opinion, will not be publishes you without Your authorization) Personages fantomati to us for fantomatiche diseases the day 29 January the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights, as a result of a signalling of the Sig.ssa Monica Pavan, which, on its situated (. This doctor is introduced like psychologist, in spite of the order of the psychologists national and regional, but errors, it denies its registration. If that corresponds to the true one is found of forehead to a psychologist, than such it is not, than standard like diagnosing a "mental disease", than such it is not. These programs are the ugly copies of those put into effect to you in America from 1965 and that they have caused the disaster in their instruction. The massacres in the schools Americans are one directed consequence of such programs. The Garrisons have the duty to inquire themselves R-with regard to turn out, if of it turns out to you can be spoken to you, produced in the past from such programs. They do not have to be only trusted for the fact that to proporli is of the so-called the "professionals". If someone thinks to transform our schools in a new market for the psycology and the psichiatria it has made its badly calculates. Not there are excuses and compromises on one delicate issue therefore. E' the future of our children that is in game. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights onlus. Formation from the part of the Daniela citizens War of the Greens, than in the resolution expressed near the Regional Committee of the Emilia Romagna, asks the Ministry of the Health to take part in matter psicofarmaci, because metilfenidato (the Ritalin) and the atomoxetina (Strattera) returns in the table of narcotics. Draft of a long series of taken of conscience that in the past months had seen Regional the Council piemontese to abolish the psicofarmaci and the proposed psychiatric tests had been introduced in Campania. The boys come in this way address to you to neuropsichiatriche structures, where they come then somministrati psicofarmaci like the Ritalin. To label and to control seem to be the main activities of the psichiatria and from Basaglia many steps must still be completed. To those times the problem was the lunatics asylum, today seems to centralize itself on the treatments to the minors. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. DATABASE OF SENTENCES OF SENTENCE EMITTED FROM COURTS FOR CRIMES STORE CLERKS FROM PSICHIATRI. Round table to Rovereto (TN) Thursday 21/02/2008 Hours 20:30 - 22:30 Disturbance from deficit of the attention and iperattività the dark sides of one "new" cured disease with the somministrazione of psicofarmaci to children and adolescents. In the round table they will come deals the medical aspects to you, cultural and social of this phenomenon. Moreover it will come dealt also the legal aspect. The parents, teaching, the operating ones, the politicians and the citizens will have way to fully comprise the issue and knowledge which is happening. But there are other politicians who have manifested interest and will be present compatibly with their engagements. It has been chosen one knows it much large one just in order to receive all the interested persons. Extension to Brescia: Psichiatria, a travel without return Arrives also to Brescia, with the sponsorship of the common one, the extension museum "Psichiatria: A travel without return ". The extension will come inaugurated to the presence of the mayor of Brescia Paul Corsini and Dr. Giogio Antonucci, near the Vanvitelliano Hall (Loggia)alle Palace hours 16,00 and will remain opened until the 11 day February. From the monday to the friday from hours 9. Round table to Pescia: The agitated child and disattento is sick. Pescia (FI)Palazzo of the PodestàPresso the "Gipsoteca"Piazza of the Plagio, the 1 event is client from the Common one of Pescia and the Society of the Valdinevole Health. Claudius Bartolini - Director of the Society of the Health. Dr.: Roberto Cestari - President Ccdu Fitoterapia and children: against it disturbs of the attention I leaven plasmolisato with grass obtained with the Strath method Swiss Search demonstrates the effectiveness of preparing made up of I leaven plasmolisato in cultivation with grass in the cure of Syndrome ADHD In Italy 9.1% of the children in pediatric age suffers from disturbs psychical and at least to the 1.5% manifest riconducibili symptoms to Syndrome ADHD, that is the Syndrome of Iperattività and Deficit di Attenzione. A study published from the Swiss review Pädiatrie (1/2006), carried out from the clinical immunologist Peter W,9% of turns out you of the tests carries out has demonstrated behavioural improvements meant you to you for two thirds party of the children examines to you. The patients have benefitted of the effects of the assumption of the prepared one, in particular as far as the parameters attention and concentration. Moreover, in the within of the entire study they have not been notified effects collaterals indesiderati.ssa Loredana Maraldo, fitoterapeuta and fitopreparatrice to Milan: "teaching more and more signals cases of scholastic uneasiness with disturbs behavioural during the lessons. This induces, with too much sollecitudine, to the use of psicofarmaci in the boys in order better managing the social relations. The scientific searches carried out with fortifying the Strath demonstrate a favorable influence on the immune system, the ability to concentration and the scholastic rendering. The association of the 61 biodisponibili micronourishing acts on disturbs behavioural with reduction of the distraction, the aggressiveness, the eagerness and the fatigue ". A study published on "Lancet" attributes the syndrome from infantile iperattività to the use of coloring crafts them in foods. A study published on "Lancet" attributes the syndrome from infantile iperattività to the use of coloring crafts them in foods. But between the causes the problem of the syndrome from infantile iperattività could is to us also the pollution Allergic chemical Tranquillities to the pollution, attributed of time in time to the disparate causes more, than new is jumped to the honors of the report. This time the accusations fall back on the excessive use of coloring in the alimony. To aim the finger against it points out to it to you crafts them is a search published on the scientific review Lancet. According to the study, the syndrome from attention deficit and infantile iperattività (famous with the Adhd acronym) would be from chargeing just to coloring. The experiment lead from a group of investigators of the university of Southampton has revealed that their consumption accustoms is associated them to an increase of the iperattività in the children of 3 and 8-9 years. But there is who thinks that to stop to the correlation with the presence of substances chemistries in foods it can be reductive. Like Luciano Pecchiai, head physician pathologist of the hospital of the children "Vittore Buzzi" and director of the center of human Eubiotica of Milan. The children become accustomed themselves to a made language of images and for they the lessons become difficult because faticano lend attention to the words. But on these problematic ones they influence also the pollution above all acclimatizes them and that from elettrosmog ". Pollution shapes that, according to the university professor, are also able to lower the defense of immunity. That to make therefore in order to make up for at least in part to the threats that weigh on our children. It would then serve a healthier atmosphere, not sure what easy to obtain. The university professor advises to contrast the electromagnetic fields crafts equipping itself them of a anionizzatore. The apparatus, to use in the zone night of the house, emits Ionian denied to you that they contrast the injurious activity of those positi produced to you from the electromagnetic fields. Therefore the defense of immunity can turn out strengthened and the organism is in a position to reacting better to the threats of the surrounding atmosphere. Even if on the Adhd it has not been still said the last word, is obvious that it is not possible to try an only responsible. It is therefore important to place attention to all upgrades them them coming from threats from the external atmosphere and the diet, but sure he is not favorable to resort to the psicofarmaci. Because the State finances the Psichiatria and the Psycology. During a convention to Rome 17 the slid November, the greater institutions of the Higher Institute of Health, between which the Dr. Therefore we will be to short witnesses of diagnosis of mass with "highly scientific criteria" that will determine that 10% (have already established it) of the children are sick mental. In spite of the lack of tests the strategy goes ahead. In America from 1960 to the 2000 they are died in the psychiatric hospitals approximately 1.000 persons who correspond to approximately the double quantity of all the fallen Americans from the civil war to the Gulf War. And statistics of the constant increase of the number of mental sick diseases and. Perhaps that the massacres completed from boys under the effect of psicofarmaci in the schools are of example. Perhaps the answer, after years of false promises and phrases of circumstance is in turns out you of the first three months of Italian Registry ADHD. Always it has been said that the psicofarmaco it was the last solution in the treatment of the "ADHD". We define it drug addiction and first he turns out to you confirm not our affirmations but the sad experience of other nations. Because the politician does not ask explanations Dr. Panei when he asserts during a transmission of Net 4 of You open them, than "we in the long run do not know the effect of these drugs on the children". The mountain of moneies that the psichiatria earns is one motivation than more legitimate in order to attack anyone discosti: the "method of the health" is one of these. We will not never stop to inform the public denouncing who supports and who instead fight against this crime. We become account of one what: the power that we have put in the hands of the psichiatri, renders everyone of we a possible target, nobody excluded. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. A natural remedy for the children "irrequieti".Il exact fitologico term is picnogenolo and draft of an extract from the corteccia of marine Pine (Pinus pineaster), composed of phenolic procianidine, acids, catechine and taxifolina.Nello study, in blind double quantity, 61 children between the 6 and 14 years, iperatti to you or with attention deficit and problems of learning have received 1 mg/kg/die of picnogenolo or placebo for 4 weeks. Antidepressants: the data denied do not come publish to you to you. It demonstrates to an article published on the last number of the review New England Journal of Medicines. The denunciation is clear. the NEJM has given space, not common event, to an article that takes one net position. A "J' accusations" that do not regard only the druggist industries but also the supervisory bodies and the medical editoria. Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. Great affluence of public Social Center Saint Lazzaro for the conference on the Iperattività and disturbance from deficit of attention on children and boys. The salutes of the city have been made from the City council member to the Instruction the dott.000, the minors in therapy with psicofarmaci in the single United States (source: NIMH, Nexus, Los Angeles Times). 17. - 2 billions of dollars, the turnover legacy to the sale of an only metilfenidato molecule (, name trades them Ritalin ®) in the single United States (source: GODDESS USA) - 12%, the percentage of children to which come somministrati psicofarmaci to the beginning of the elementary schools in France (source: Ministere de the Santè, - Canadian Journal of Psichiatric vol. According to the Ritz study, in Spain, the percentage knows them to the 14, 5 %. According to the study de Renoche varied percentage 2,4 to 24,05 % (in age to drain). And it concludes: "with variable figures from the 1 to 24%, every made affirmation loses mathematically meant, that is everyone seems to be able to say that that it wants". Expense for antipsychotics to stars as the compensations corresponded to psichiatri the USA the psichiatri are between imedici that receive the greater compensations from the industries especially for relations and searches on the atypical ones, also in the children. The state of the Minnesota obligates the industries that produce drugs to declare the compensations that they come to an agreement to the doctors. From 2000 to 2005 expenses for the reimbursement of atypical antipsychotic drugs in Minnesota they are increased of six times until to $1. The increase of the prescription of the atypical ones is for the increase of the diagnoses of disturbs bipolar and that has coincided with a passage from antidepressants which as an example the fluoxetina to the atypical ones. In the 2000 Minnesota it has spold approximately $521,000 for the antipsychotics, for the greater part for the atypical ones, of the children you assist yourself from the Medicaid. Source: New York Times 10 May 2007 SSRI correlates to increase risk to you fractures the SSRI assumption is associated with a doubling of the risk of fractures osse. A study of coorte of perspective type has estimated the incidence of fractures clinical and radiologically noticeable in 5008 subjects of age 50 years, you follow yourself for 5 years. The every day employment of SSRI, documented in 137 patients, has determined a remarkable increase of the risk of fractures (HR 2,1. IC 95%: 1,3-3,4). These effects were dose-employee and similar to those brought back to the baseline and 5 years of follow-up. The every day assumption of SSRI in patients with more than 50 years has been associated to an increase of 2 times of the risk of fractures. The depression and the fractures are frequent in this wrap of age the elevated risk attributed to the every day employment of SSRI can have important consequences on the public health. Pinerolo: Children and adolescents, iperattività and deficits of attention the psicofarmaci are one answer. Social center Saint Lazzarovia of Rochis 3. Roberto Cestari, doctor and National Coordinator of the Campaign "because the Prof. does not happen" and Paul Portaleone, Ordinary of Neuropsicofarmacologia near the University of Turin. With the approval from part of the Regional Council of the Piemonte of the Regional Law n. Qui we are confronted where with diagnosis get confused symptoms with diseases. All in absence of every adapted scientific foundation. If to this we add the consequent somministrazione of psicofarmaci, the picture is even grotesque. A detention to the introduction and effettuazione in the Italian schools of test in order not to carry out diagnosis on the ADHD or others presumed mental diseases. We augur ourselves that this provision comes adopted also from numerous the other Italian Regions that have it in argument and from the same Parliament of the Republic. Following the American wave, in Italy very 82 centers have been credit you for the diagnosis and cure of the ADHD. "In the facts the ADHD is only a symptom and its diagnosis does not have some sure scientific base, that is too much famous end in international the scientific community. Here then the importance to inform the parents, taught and the operating ones of the field on the problem and the introduced opportunities of protection from. Consultations on the bill against the psicopatologici tests in the schools and the use of psicofarmaci on the children the Quarter permanent Commission January 2008 near Palace will gather 9 Wednesdays Some thirties. The Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights has been invited to the consultation of the Quarter permanent Commission with respect to the bill n. 259 "Dispositions in matter of use of substances psicotrope on children and adolescents" (proposing councilman De Eccher) that 9 Wednesdays will be kept the day January 2008 to hours 14,30, near Palace Some thirties, access via Green Tower 16, Trento, Knows it Emiciclo. The consultations with respect to the bill will begin to the 14:30 and protrarranno until the 16:00. On this matter already the piemontese regional Council has been expressed also that 30 October 2007 has approved of to the unanimità the Law n. 405 "Norms in matter of use of substances psicotrope on children and adolescents". This law is similar to that one introduced in Trentino. In fact, points hinge of the law are the art. 4 that it prohibits the somministrazione of psicopatologici tests to the inside of the scholastic structures, and the art. 3 that introduces it obligation of the informed consent that it must underwrite be from the parents of the minor for which have been proposed the somministrazione of psicofarmaci. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. In the last new years diagnoses have extended the psychiatric range to behaviors a time consider you absolutely normal. Hour also the gambling has become a mental disease, while the university of Pisa thought that it it was even the passion loving. Behaviors, instead, that always they have been considers denied you to you come today redefined like healthy: the psichiatra in an interview on the Republic of the 7/12, it would want to make to believe that the sadness is to greet. But the disease is an objective fact, not something that comes decided from some "luminare" or from an assembly of "experts". It would be like deciding if the diabetes is one raised disease voting for of hand. They want concrete tests, objective examinations, data to us that the psichiatria has not never carried to support of the own theses. The casuistry of disturbs psychiatric is much width that anyone could re-enter to you, just for this the psychiatric judgment seems therefore infondato. The true problem is that these "diagnoses" find answer in methods of treatment extremely destroyed to you. The used criteria in order to take part are often subjective, are sufficient to think dangerous the person in order to justify of the farmacologici TSO and treatments. Other methods exist, very more humans, in order to take care itself of the persons with mental problems of the 6/12: "I entered in the rooms of the lunatics asylum and asked to remove the straightjackets to the patients. Therefore I only could think to free the persons, sleeping in their units and speaking with they ". But psichiatra the Cassano never has probably not seen the patients of Antonucci, because "the depression" supports Cassano "is strongest the moral pain, than only the farmacologica therapy can cure". If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. Washington: The drugs for the adhd cause tachycardia. Reading many articles carefully of the sort, fragmentary information are noticed and lacking clarity. But with an attention Pò, as minimal they will rise spontaneous much domande.it/it/news/news/agi-news/detail_71068_i-drug-in order to-ladhd-cause-tachycardia. "the children and the adolescents in therapy with stimulants like metilfenidato or amphetamines for the treatment of the syndrome from deficit of attention and iperattivita' (Adhd). But she was not who assumes amphetamine that has need of a cure. And a syndrome is not only one series of sintomi.mostrano increase of incidence of light symptoms cardiaci, in particular syncope, elevated blood pressure, arrhythmy, tachycardia and palpitations. (but usually these symptoms cardiaci do not need of one ready visit from a doctor. Knowing the cause, and that is metilfenidato and amphetamines - -, in order to resolve the physical problems that they cause he would not be sufficient not assumerli.sottolineando pero' as these symptoms are not accompanied to an increase of the risk of shelters in hospital or of died for cardiovascular causes "(That is are not an increase of the risk of health worsening. They are not accompanied to died risk of died in a generalized manner or only to the risk of for cardiovascular causes. (the symptoms are not sufficient list to you over in order deciding if these "drugs" - in other contexts it calls drug to you -, cause of the advanced problems aì "symptoms from ADHD".org/HTML-FILES/ADHD-TEST. "it often moves the hands or the feet or it is churned on the chair. "often spiattella the answers before that you have ended to make the question. "often it seems not to listen to how much comes said to it. "often it interrupts or it is behaved in way invading towards the others for es. irrompe in the games of the other children. (it is not best to have a son who has 6 between the "symptoms" (behaviors) sopraelencati in place of syncope, elevated blood pressure, arrhythmy, tachycardia and palpitations - that they are only the effects collaterals assesses described in the article (for the other effects collaterals to you you see qui:.org/effetti-collateral-goddess-common-psicofarmaci. Which are the symptoms of abstinence of metilfenidato and amphetamines. That type of actions can complete one person in metilfenidato crisis of abstinence of and amphetamines. But this type of "cures", not having sure outcomes, is not therefore definable experiences them. Who undergoes itself - or comes subordinate obligatorily as in the case of the TSO one cannot be defined human guinea-pig. It would not be better to comprise the uneasiness of the child that carries it to behave itself like described over and helping it in place of drogarlo.it/it/news/news/agi-news/detail_71068_i-drug-in order to-ladhd-cause-tachycardia. The drugs for the adhd cause tachycardia with stimulants as metilfenidato or amphetamines for the treatment of from deficit of attention and iperattivita' (Adhd) show an increase of cardiaci, in particular the syncope, elevated blood pressure. they are not accompanied to an increase of the risk of shelters in hospital or of died for causes. PSICHIATRIA: SEXUAL ABUSES ON THE PATIENTS. The ENNESIMA TRAGEDY: The truth on the shooting of Omaha December 2007 - Omaha (USA): 19enne she talks nonsense in center trades them: nine died. It had been "cured with psicofarmaci" for ADHD. Enormous evidences connect the drugs that alter the mind with the actions of violenza.info/la-verita-sulla-shooting-of-omaha PSICOFARMACI: FIRST TABLET To EIGHT YEARS "the Italian children who assume daily psicofarmaci go from the 30, in the introduced interrogation parliamentarian the slid week, at a distance of little days from the interrogation of Senator Maurizio Eufemi. The worry is justified still more from the fact that the same presupposed ones of the "disease" come puttinges in argument continuously: that "No fisiopatologico aspect of the disorder still has been delineated". the Dr., in its book "The Future of ADD", writes: "It is the FDA that the GODDESS has recognized that the ADHD is not one disease, neither organic neither biological". But if a biochemical imbalance does not exist, because it is attempted to cure with substances chemistries. The active principles mainly use you are two: the Metilfenidato, best known with the name of Ritalin, and the Atomoxetina. The treatment can begin soon, because to 8 years many children already receive the first tablet. E' difficult to think that to that age a child can become account of the consequences to which goes encounter, with substances that in many cases carry to the dependency. Many children come then address in centers of infantile neuropsichiatria that are the entry point towards farmacologici treatments, rather than didactic participations to you social us and. 40 assets on the national territory and are 112 those credited national registry, for monitorare the somministrazione. Without the coercion of "threats in the case veiled" refuse of somministrare psicofarmaci to the own sons or subject the sons to psychological treatments. The screening of the children in order "to localize" mental diseases he is not something of new. Such instrument finds reply in the praxis of the nazi Germany in order to clean up the society from the "inferior elements"., it proposed a unitary eugenetico approach in order to extirpate those who are famous bearers of "hereditary diseases". In top to the directory of the "defects" that the eugenisti Americans would have stilato later on, there was the "disturbance from deficit of the attention". To tutt' today very 17 million children in the world they have been diagnosed "disturbs mental". If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. COMPANY IN ORDER TO ABOLISH THIS INSTRUMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC COERCION "Lunatic asylum in the head", encounter with Antonucci and Cestari Caserta - In the within of the manifestation "Lands of Job. Today nobody would deny their working abilities. Senator Maurizio Eufemi, in these days, has a interrogation to the Minister of Turkish the Livia Health, in order to make clarity on the issue. "On the opportunity of somministrare these powerful products psicoatti to you to the minors" the scientific community writes the parliamentarian "is not absolutely the Concorde". Preventive measures instead have already been taken in Piemonte from the Regional Council have prohibit psicofarmaci and the psychiatric tests in the piemontesi schools. A second bill in parliament also has been Decisions of sure not favorable to the companies of the drug, than already they are trying for other roads that psicofarmaci like the Roipnol and some antidepressants could be distributed to the supermarket. Draft of ideological prejudgments and alarms is not instilled to you, as some psichiatri have supported in the attempt to defend their initiatives. The Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights recommends to inquire itself carefully, not to accept easy psychiatric diagnoses is for if same that for the own sons, but to demand accurate medical analyses. If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. All it has beginning in 2000 when Brahmandpour begins to work in the hospital Mars Field. While pear tree of the case has been invests the lawyers who prefigure the crimes of person seizure, false ideological and private violence. Subordinate to taken care of specialistiche medical visits, the biologist comes recognized healthy. Of presumed mobbing the Siamak he has not supplied particular, but it has only made reference not accidental exchanges of champions of blood to analyze. The Company reservoir naturally to equip every clarification on the vicissitude in the opportune centers istituzionali'. The Piemonte Region approves of a law that places the prohibition of the tests ADHD in the schools and protection the children from the abuse of psicofarmacologiche substances. 30 tuesdays October to 14,00 hours the piemontese regional Council have approved of to the unanimità the Law n. Punti hinge of the law are the art. 4 that it prohibits the somministrazione of test for the psicopatologici ADHD and other witnesses to the inside of the scholastic structures, and the art. 3 that introduces it obligation of the informed consent that it must underwrite be from the parents of the minor for which have been proposed the somministrazione of psicofarmaci. Roberto Cestari, doctor and president of the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights (CCDU), promotore agency of the legislative initiative. "draft not to deny aid to who suffers, but every child has straight to the appropriate solutions. Here we are confronted with diagnosis where get confused symptoms with diseases. All in absence of every adapted scientific foundation. If to this we add the consequent somministrazione of psicofarmaci, the picture is even grotesque. We do not want that that happens also in Italy "adds the Dr.. 1) a detention to the introduction and effettuazione in the Italian schools of test in order not to carry out diagnosis on the ADHD or others presumed mental diseases. Following the American wave, in Italy very 82 centers have been credit you for the diagnosis and cure of the ADHD. "In the facts the ADHD is only a symptom and its diagnosis does not have some scientific base, that is too much famous end in international the scientific community. It definitively unloads the approved of text 6 November. CONCERT FOR VOICES RECITING and PERCUSSIONS FREE INCOME - YOU ARE ALL INVITES Clicca to YOU on the image for the Clicca information on the image for information GALA' FOR INFANCY 2007 - 12 NOVEMBER - THEATRE Of the WORK - ROME Clicca on the image for the information. CCDU TRENTO SECTION To FAIR "FA' the JUST THING" the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights will prepare one informative stand and of collection companies near the fair "Fa' the just thing." that November from the 14,00 will be kept 2 fridays, near the pavilions of Trento Fairs, Via Briamasco 2, Trento - Stand SP14. The topic is a lot burning just in Trentino. In Vallagarina it is in program with the new scholastic year one screening generalized to the inside of all the elementary schools. Particular attention has been classified to the issue of the screening. Up to now they have been collections beyond 1600 companies. We think that the school is and must remain an instruction place, not of medicalizzazione, cures or etichettatura of the children. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus - Section of Trento. The Piemonte Region approves of a law that places the prohibition of tests ADHD in the schools and protection the children from the abuse of psicofarmacologiche substances 30 Tuesdays October to 14,00 hours the piemontese regional Council has approved of to the unanimità the Law n. Punti hinge of the law is the art. 4 that it prohibits the somministrazione of test for the psicopatologici ADHD and other witnesses to the inside of the scholastic structures, and the art. 3 that introduces it obligation of the informed consent that it must underwrite be from the parents of the minor for which have been proposed the somministrazione of psicofarmaci. Roberto Cestari, doctor and president of the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights (CCDU), promotore agency of the legislative initiative. "draft not to deny aid to who suffers, but every child has straight to the appropriate solutions. Here we are confronted with diagnosis where get confused symptoms with diseases. All in absence of every adapted scientific foundation. If to this we add the consequent somministrazione of psicofarmaci, the picture is even grotesque. We do not want that that happens also in Italy "adds the Dr.. 1) a detention to the introduction and effettuazione in the Italian schools of test in order not to carry out diagnosis on the ADHD or others presumed mental diseases. Following the American wave, in Italy very 82 centers have been credit you for the diagnosis and cure of the ADHD. "In the facts the ADHD is only a symptom and its diagnosis does not have some scientific base, that is too much famous end in international the scientific community. COLLECTION OF COMPANIES IN ORDER TO ABOLISH THE TSO. obligatory instrument of psychiatric coercion is the sanitary treatment applied to persons who do not have store clerk reati.Si base on denunciations of anyone have interest to make to disappear persons fastidiose.Le denunciations come made to psychiatric and deliberated staff from the mayor in how much sanitary responsible of the territory, in according to moment coercion comes convalidato from the judge tutelare.I mayors has legal responsibility on the action of the sanitary treatment obbligatorio.La is announced publicly from the Italian constitution and is a torture shape that finds application with escamotage doctor. In no other within neither legal doctor neither is legitimate the coercion fisica.La psychiatric swindle authorizes the violation of the fundamental principle of freedom of personal expression. Sanitary treatment Obbligatorio and Contenzione: Application, limits and Verona abuses: Yesterday evening, to leave from the 20,30 near the Palace of the Arsenal of Verona, has kept the debate: "Sanitary Treatment Obbligatorio and Contenzione: Application, limits and abuses ". - the Proxy Head of State near the Court of Verona, Dr.. - the Director of II the Psychiatric Service of the Department of Mental Health ULSS 20, prof. George Antonucci, psicanalista doctor and writer, already director of the Autogestito Unit of the Institute "Lolli" of Imola. De Cristan Angel, director of the Social Services of ULSS 20. Giampietro Turkish, teacher of Clinical Psycology near the University of Padova. Gastone From the Asèn, lawyer near the hole of Bologna. Francisco Miraglia, criminal attorney near the Hole of Modena. Silvio de Makes national megaphone you of the National Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights. Moderator of the evening has been Dr. Flavio Magarini, president of the Court for the Rights of the Sick one of Verona. This has been also the auspice formulated from the relatori to the conclusion of the debate. The extension will remain opened every day from 23 hours 09,00 until October with free income. CCDU SECTION MONZA To the FAIR OF MONZA Near the hall "Point child" to the stand of the CCDU Onlus - Monza section, is possible to sign petitions against the abuse of psicofarmaci and for the farmacovigilanza. You o to the stand for having information, banns and giving to yours important support to our initiatives. You will be able tesserarvi to the CCDU, to make donations or to denounce a case of received psychiatric abuse. Abuse of psicofarmaci on children and ADHD. This time will be to Poirino where 26 October to hours 21,00 will be discussed about Disturbance from Deficit of Attenzione and Iperattività (ADHD). The conference, whose moderator will be the avv. Claudia Appendino, and will have as relatori the Regional Coordinator of the CCDU Dr. the Associated Press has reported days ago, that: "In psichiatria there is a field in famous increase like mental health of infancy". Only in the state of Florida, in a year, they have been prescribed antipsychotic to 4500 children, under the age of 5 years, covered from the sanitary attendance Medicaid. In Italy the percentage of Italian minors who would second suffer from iperattività and deficit of attention the scientific associations of organicista formulation, would be from 4% to the 20%, (source: Italian society of Infantile Neuropsichiatria, Kataweb)Da 30. Following the American wave, very 82 centers have been credit you for the diagnosis and cure of the ADHD with psicofarmaci. "In the facts the ADHD is only a symptom and its diagnosis does not have some scientific base" that is too much famous end in international the scientific community. The educational profile exists also an other regarding important aspect then "- Elena Maria concludes dott.ssa Head CCDU Onlus.00, taken knows it 20/2 to it of the scaligero Arsenal. And... what is and like they come applies the contenzione methods to you. The evening will be introduced from Councilman Comunale Renata Franchini, already Vice president Commission Health. They will participate to the evening: the Proxy Head of State near the Court of Verona, Dr. Guido Papalia. the Director of 2° the Psychiatric Service of the Department of Mental Health Ulss 20, prof. George Antonucci, psicanalista doctor, already director of the Autogestito Unit of the Institute "Lolli" of Imola. the director of the Social Services of Ulss 20, Dr. Giampietro Turkish, teacher of Clinical Psycology near the University of Padova. Dr. Gastone From the Asèn, lawyer near the hole of Bologna. Dr. Francisco Miraglia, criminal attorney near the Hole of Modena and Silvio de Make national megaphone you of the National one of the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights. Flavio Magarini, president of the Court for the Rights of the Sick one of Verona. The DAY Of the MENTAL HEALTH DEMANDS PROTECTION AGAINST the DANGERS Of the PSICOFARMACI a group of defense of the human rights more demands a system directed in order to report to the effects collaterals of psicofarmaci the EVENT: 10 October is the World-wide Day of the Mental Health. The 20 september the 2007 American Conference has approved of an analogous law. WHERE & WHEN: To Milan 10 October in Saint Public square Babila from the 10 to the 19, beyond to Verona, Padova, Macerata, Brescia, Novara in the antecedent days. The psychiatric diagnostic system is accused of being moved more from the profit derived from the sale of psicofarmaci that from the necessity to cure the patient. The agency has the scope protect the interests of the consumers. The CCDU, Co-founded from the Church of Scientology and the psichiatra emerito Dr. Thomas Szasz, wants to face this problem in activity of sensibilizzazione of the citizenship. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus EFFECTS COLLATERALS Of the COMMON PSICOFARMACI LAWS WHICH ARE the EFFECTS COLLATERALS. PRESENTATION VIDEO OF CCHR INTERNATIONAL. Experts in court with the fifth elementary one, as he can. it is exited the news that in the Court of Pistoia is enrolled from 1999 one grafologa expert whose only title it of possessed legal study is the elementary licence. We wonder: as the future of the citizens in hand to little scolarizzate persons can be entrusted. n° 15601 of the 7/6/2006) to its holder, not to more use the term "university", "chancellor", etc, in how much deceptive one. Moreover, to such presumed university penalty of 6 mila has been inflicted also one euro. We wonder how many persons have been condemned on the base of skills of such person. This fact confirmation once more the enormous one upgrades them violation of the Human Rights in the field of the mental health. This tragic-comic history of Pistoia, confirmation the annosa denunciation of the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights on the pseudoscientificità of the psycology and psichiatria. The human and economic costs for the society are al.di.là.dell' human sopportazione.000 euro for trecentosessantacinque days to the year and will see the business created on the skin the children and the parents. And still: to contribute in the decisions of the judges, also in topic of abuse suspicion, they are always the psychological experts. Who has never verified the fondatezza of the psychological theories. Extension: Psichiatria - a travel without return - VERONA From the 13 to 23 October 2007, near the Palace of the Arsenal of Verona, will have place the extension "Psichiatria: a travel without return ". ADHD and the abuse of psicofarmaci in the children To the 26 Turinese Baldissero september to hours 20,45 is discussed about Disturbance from Deficit of Attenzione and Iperattività (ADHD). The conference, whose moderator will be Dr. Giovanni Lend Director of the District 3 ASL 7, will have like relatori the Regional Coordinator of the CCDU Dr. Paul Ordinary Portaleone of Neuropsicofarmacologia near the University of Turin, with the participation of the Pediatra Dr. the Associated Press has reported days ago, that: "In psichiatria there is a field in famous increase like mental health of infancy". Only in the state of Florida, in a year, they have been prescribed antipsychotic to 4500 children, under the age of 5 years, covered from the sanitary attendance Medicaid. In Italy the percentage of Italian minors who would second suffer from iperattività and deficit of attention the scientific associations of organicista formulation, would be from 4% to the 20%, (source: Italian society of Infantile Neuropsichiatria, Kataweb). Following the American wave, very 82 centers have been credit you for the diagnosis and cure of the ADHD with psicofarmaci. "In the facts the ADHD is only a symptom and its diagnosis does not have some scientific base" that is too much famous end in international the scientific community. The educational profile exists also an other regarding important aspect then "- the Dr. concludes. HERE WHAT PUO' TO SUCCEED to the psychologist or neuropsichiatrica structure to YOU, as upgrades them affections from disturbs psychiatric. THE STRATEGY: TO CREATE The PROBLEM, TO CONVINCE The POPULATION THAT THIS EXISTS, THAN SERIOUS E' And THAT DRAFT OF ONE DISEASE. They come publishes to you, on reviews and newspapers, an article series, where "expert of the field" they announce the presence of such diseases, nonché' the necessita' to diagnose them prematurely. Scientific conventions are organized on the "problem" and organizations of relatives are formed, that they ask great voice the "right to the cures and the early diagnosis". If the parents refuse to follow these iter they can be looked at to embezzle the sons for "lacked aid". If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. CAMPAIGN Of the COMMITTEE Of the CITIZENS FOR The HUMAN RIGHTS To SUPPORT Of the BILL: Beyond 1000 companies in order to say NOT to the psicofarmaci the children. The collection companies has had a large one happening with beyond 1000 companies collections to support of the law. For how much it concerns to the eventual treatment of minors with psicofarmaci the law text ribadisce firmly the absolute necessity of the informed consent, written and inequivocabile. Particular attention has been classified to the issue of the screening. We think that the school is and must remain an instruction place, not of medicalizzazione, cures or etichettatura of the children. People are taken care and angry, and wish to be protected. The bill in parliament set offs hour to collect ulterior signers in Province of Trento, independently from you leave and alignments. In the meantime ulterior Italian Regions are muovendo in the same direction in order to prepare similar instruments legislative you. Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. INTRODUCED IN TRENTINO The BILL AGAINST TESTS PSICOPATOLOGICI In the SCHOOLS And the USE OF PSICOFARMACI On the CHILDREN. For how much it concerns to the eventual treatment of minors with psicofarmaci the law text ribadisce firmly the absolute necessity of the informed consent, written and inequivocabile. Particular attention has been classified to the issue of the screening. One is shown national mobilitation "anti-screening", against the invasion of the state in the family and the life of the citizens: a serious risk for the democracy. The bill in parliament set offs hour to collect ulterior signers in Province of Trento, independently from you leave and alignments. In the meantime ulterior Italian Regions are muovendo in the same direction in order to prepare similar instruments legislative you. Greater informazioni:Comitato of the Citizens for the Human Rights OnlusEmail:. Convention to Florence - Personalita' legal and social to comparison. Francisco Lucchese, Deputy and member of the Commission Social Transactions of the Room. the Prof. Miraglia (present to the convention) in the protection of the human rights in psichiatria. the Sig. Vincenzo Spavone representative of the Association Parents Separates from the Sons and Dr. to you George famous Antonucci in order to have demonstrated that to cure of persons with mental problems without the use of real straightjackets or chemistries can be taken to us. During the convention, it has been ribadita the nonexistence of scientific bases of the psychiatric and psychological theories. The skills of psychologists and social workers, are responsible of removal nearly 40. It has read two of the questions of the test used in the schools for the ADHD: "often it chats too much", "often spiattella the answers before that you have ended to make the question. Cottages little evil is always behaved therefore and that has not been dealt when it was small since hour we would not have a great politician. It has remembered like the absence of scientific bases in the skills that carry to the removal of the children from the families are the same ones that support the diagnoses. From 13° the International Conference of the European Society of Psichiatria of Infancy and Adolescence (ESCAP), re-united in these days to Florence, Dr. Ernesto Caffo has declared that approximately a million children they are to risk of mental diseases. The children represent for the psychiatric and druggist industry a market from enormous the economic value. Lucchese, has officially announced the presentation of a bill in order to resolve this problem and to contrast being left over of this psychiatric culture. Lucky person, specialist in criminology and teacher to the University of the Aquila, are the Avv. MANIFESTATION IN ORDER TO SAY "NOT TO THE PSICOFARMACI THE CHILDREN". A method sure much democratic but for nothing scientific. Its right to experience, to grow and to develop its responsible thought in the comparisons of the same society. That what we will teach to our children: a pill, hour and in the future, resolves and will resolve your problem of behavior. This is the true violation of their Fundamental Rights. George Antonucci, famous in order to have demonstrated that to cure of persons with mental problems without the use of real straightjackets or chemistries can be taken to us. Antonucci is taken part during the march in order to emphasize that: "a doctor would have to cure one person. If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. For who it has not been able to participate to the manifestation of Florence. Here some video of the manifestation:. HUMAN PSICHIATRIA, PSYCOLOGY And RIGHTS: LEGAL And SOCIAL ASPECTS. Francisco Lucchese, Deputy and member of the Commission Social Transactions of the Room. Specialist Fortunate Saverio in Clinical, Teaching Criminology of Surveying and Symptomatology of the Language to the Course of Bachelor Sciences of the Investigation University of the Aquila. Miraglia in the protection of the human rights in psichiatria. Vincenzo Spavone of the Association Parents Separates from the Figli.ssa Grace to you Cat graduated in Sciences Giuridiche and Criminologiche. To RISK PSICOFARMACI BEYOND a MILLION ITALIAN CHILDREN Corteo of organized protest from the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. Sunday 26 August with appointment to the 10) of the CCDU of Florence, "other that juvenile well-being. Already skillful arm of Reese, the father of the eugenetica, the specialties of Villinger included crime, the children and the juvenile therapies of group. Thomas Szazs and from the Church of Scientology, will come down in public square also the association "Parents separates to you from the sons". Halina Walczyk 334-8086417 Person in charge CCDU of Florence. Parrino maximum Vice-president CCDU onlus 392-8460139. CORTEO OF NATIONAL PROTEST - Florence, 26 August 2007 10,45 hours the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus in collaboration with all the groups of the Italian CCDU organizes to AGAINST the ABUSES OF PSICOFARMACI and the "FALSE DIAGNOSES" On the CHILDREN. TO THE STATION OF FLORENCE - SAINT MARIA NOVEL. Mrs. of 50 years is one ennesima the victim of the psychiatric participation tells as its existence has been ruined after to have received psychiatric treatments and to have spold million in psicoterapia uselessly. Not to mention effects very more serious like dyskinesia, with hardenings make them, of the body, spillage of the language, psychological regression. She is risaputo, even from the same consumers, than the drug it is a fact negative. Psichiatra the Joseph Glenmullen of Harvard, asserts that, "Seen the absence of verifiable diseases, the psicofarmacologia has not hesitated to construct models of disease for the psychiatric diagnoses. These models are alone conjectures on that it could be the corresponding physiology, as an example one imbalance of the serotonina. We do not speak then when the children are been involved, with treatments therefore I invaded to you, inasmuch as they have been approves of to you psicofarmaci also for they. E' of these days an article published on the newspaper ' The Bordering Sentinel' from the title it: "New alarm on the Ritalin". According to the reports the effects collaterals appear in the 5 percento of the children, and a lot of they is complained of infestazioni of cimici or worms. They see or quite they feel the creatures under the own skin (. Anyone thinks to have endured damages caused from psychiatric treatments can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. REMOVAL OF CHILDREN To THEIR FAMILIES THIS E' LETTER A TESTIMONY, BETWEEN The MANY, OF PERSONS WHO HAVE ENDURED And ARE ENDURING ABUSES FROM PART Of the PSICHIATRIA. One of my sons, Mark, had a problem to the language, the thread legacy. The doctors to which we addressed said us of dargli of drugs, of the psicofarmaci. We refused, we were contrary to that type of cure. Since he be a matter himself of the health of a child, of our son, we had decided not to risk with that type of substances, we wanted to try an other solution. Unfortunately we underrated the power and the malvagità of some persons. After little days succeeded a something absolutely unexpected and frightful. The preside of the maternal school of via Top he denounced to us, supporting that not we were taking cure of our son. We found absurdity, but still not we were rendering account to that what we were going encounter. We want much good to our son and tried to make to understand it who we denounced to us. For four months we made them to make logopedia with dott.sa the De Filippi, trying to help it, but this, for the authorities, was not enough. The Glorra judge signed the sentence. our sons were in danger, and went removed their parents. We were shocked, every day we had the terror that carried to us via our children, terror that tramutò in the 7 truths July 2004. Two police officers, with to 4 social workers, arrived to house ours and they carried to us via the sons. I had not never seen much terror in the eyes of someone. Hour they find themselves locked up in via of the Missaglia to Milan and we can see them an hour to the month. All this because we refused of giving of the psicofarmaci to our children. Cruz saint, California-The River Theatre presents "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death "14 june the 2007 historical theatre has introduced the video: psichiatria, an industry of died Collection of companies for the made petition in order protect the children from the etichettatura and the psicofarmaci from part of the psichiatria Edinburgh, Scotland - Royal College of 19 Psychiatry june 2007 Corteo of protest towards the first international conference on the ADHD the CALLBACKS To the PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION AMERICAN FOR TIES WITH the INDUSTRY Of the DRUG GROWS Of 300% IN THREE YEARS Increases the tests: the part interests come before the health of the patient. The introduction in the 2004 of normative new for accreditation ECM (Continuous Education in Medicine) of the conferences is to the origin of this increase. As an example: with increasing of the deep ones it donates you to psichiatri from part of the druggist industry. the CCDU reports that some psichiatri much eminent, like Dr. Steven Sharfstein, former president of the APA, have denounced the corruption of their profession. The CCDU supports that the economic interests of the psichiatria are to the origin of the breathtaking increase of prescription of dangerous psicofarmaci to the public. the antipsychotics - between existing more powerful drugs today - and that, it is uncovered, cause to the patients diabetes and death, comes more and more, making to grow the worry to international level. Lisa Cosgrove, Co-author of one study published in 2006. It is based on the judgment of the professional, which it is based on the handbook ". The study of the Cosgrove, published on the Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, has revealed that beyond that publishes the DSM is legacy to one or more druggist society. If you think to have endured damages because of psychiatric diagnoses or treatments you can be put in contact with the Committee of the Citizens for the Human Rights Onlus. Detailed list exists a pathological entity that is that corresponds to the definition that comes some given. The diagnosis I found myself alone on the tests and the observation of the behavior of the child. The tests for the ADHD are alone and exclusively the usual domandine * (repeat: only and exclusively the usual domandine - or varying they). * for anyone it was not any to acquaintance, bringing back some of tames (7 here on 18) of the test. - "it often moves the hands or the feet or it is churned on the chair. - "often spiattella the answers before that you have ended to make the question. - "often it seems not to listen to how much comes said to it. - "often it interrupts or it is behaved in way invading towards the others for es. irrompe in the games of the other children. The supporters of the ADHD speak about a "neurobiologico disturbance". On which bases they make these affirmations. Which it is the specific pathological lesion anatomo and which it is the alteration works them biological detailed list. Which are or would be the objective examinations that of it allow the survey with sufficient sensibility and above all with absolute specificity. The objection: "But tests of this kind do not exist for no mental disease", replied: "Because they made it many others". Often we obtain the usual smoky answers: "the ADHD is a multifactorial disturbance", "comorbilità", etc. We must some deduce that child ADHD is that hyperactive one and disattento, for which we have not been able to understand or to explain because. One truly interesting since diagnostic diagnosis, casomai, the inability of the doctor. Some assert that draft of one gravity issue: this behavior depends on how much is serious, from how much it disturbs the others and it hinders if same. We can also agree, but which are the causes of that behavior in the specific case. If draft of a true medical problem (varied medical pathologies can be provoked these symptoms), then there will be one medical diagnosis and one consequent therapy. If draft of a problem of human relations, us will have to be moved on an other land. The gravity of the situation, its intensity, cannot be confused with the causes that determine it. Some show great amounts of witnesses written on the ADHD: the vastness of the literature. Henri Poincaré, in its book - Science and the Hypothesis - wrote: "... a heap of data is not science more than how much a heap of stones is one house.... Others appeal to the number and the qualifications of the experts to favor of the ADHD. We were convinced that the authority principle was the contrary of science, sin from the times of Galileo. A neuropsichiatra infantile, not knowing what more to answer, it has said: "Insomma, we must also give a name to the things. Someone, to my warning incautious, supports the following idea: "the sick children of ADHD are not those that sem>

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