06 March, 2008

Physician Assistant description

plauen - employment market f??zte - employments offered, job advertisements, medical employment market, job more f?Mediziner, Healthcare, personnel consultation, insurance comparison free employments offered f??zte - job search more f?Mediziner. In the employment market you than physician find more f?Mediziner?r to 4,000 open places from hospital, hospital and Pharmaindustrie. The employments offered in our Stellenb?e f??zte are sorted according to field and Land of the Federal Republic. In the Praxisb?e f??zte find you to the topic practice delivery, Praxis?rnahme and practice search the medical practice f?Ihre address as a physician. When desired we determine the practice value of your medical practice of the hits by input of up to three search criteria einschr?en. Physician in the stocks to the work physician in searched. Physician in the stocks to the work physician in searched. In the department the zweij?ige preparation time and a training further time oral surgery k?en by 2 years to be gone through. We offer a contract of gem?des company collective agreement and a fastidious T?gkeit in an team-oriented surrounding field to you. - your profile: We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n woman employees with interest to patient and team-oriented work. In the department the zweij?ige preparation time and a training further time oral surgery k?en by 2 years to be gone through. We offer a contract of gem?des company collective agreement and a fastidious T?gkeit in an team-oriented surrounding field to you. - your profile: We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n woman employees with interest to patient and team-oriented work. Description of the department: Institut f?Pathologie and tumor diagnostics verf? ?r an extensive investigation property. S?liche achievements in the area of the Zytologie and the Histologie are furnished. Institut supplies at present all fields of activity in the clinical center, ausw?ige Krankenh?er and the established range in Plauen and environment. - your task: Pers?ich?rzeugen you by a responsible and cooperative F?ungsstil with ausgepr?em commitment. Dar?r outside bring along you for readiness for interdisziplin?n co-operation. - your profile: Apart from your organizational and technical qualification f?Sie economic thinking is selbstverst?lich. Ober?tin/Oberarzt in the department of H?tologie field of activity: Internal medicine - H?tologie and Onkologie. In the department f?H?tologie/Internistische Onkologie with at present 27 beds becomes j?lich with approx.. 450 patients h?tologisch onkologischen illnesses diagnoses and treats. A h?tologische outpatient clinic on Erm?tigungsbasis is attached. - your task: We look for eine/n erfahrene/n woman employees with technical qualification within the range of the H?tologie/Internisti Onkologie. With appropriate suitability is the?ernahme of the line of the department m?ich. We offer a contract of gem?des company tariff. In the team-oriented surrounding field a fastidious and provocative T?gkeit expects you. We presuppose the readiness for close co-operation with all ranges of the house. Ober?tin/Oberarzt in the ophthalmic clinic. Description of the department: The ophthalmic clinic with at present ca.000 interferences per year verf? ?r all M?ichkeiten of the Ophtalmochirurgie. - your task: We look for eine/n operationally erfahrene/n woman employees. With appropriate pers?icher suitability the?ernahme of the position Stellvertreters/der is a stellvertreterin of the chefarztes m?ich. We offer a contract of gem?des company collective agreement. In an team-oriented surrounding field a fastidious T?gkeit expects you. Fach?tin/Facharzt for further training internal intensive medicine. The hospital f?An?hesie and intensive medicine verf? in the new building?r one decay equipped interdiscipline? ITS and IMC. - your task: The chefarzt is erm?tigt for full further training in the field of activity. They have to acquire and deepen the M?ichkeit within all substantial ranges of founded knowledge. We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n Mitarbeiter/in with interest to patient and team-oriented work. Description of the department: In Institut f?Pathologie and tumor diagnostics verf? one?r an extensive investigation property. S?liche achievements in the area of the Zytologie and the Histologie are furnished. Institut supplies at present all fields of activity in the clinical center, ausw?ige Krankenh?er and the established range in Plauen and environment. - your profile: We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n Mitarbeiter/in with interest to patient and team-oriented work. Fach?tin/Facharzt f?die?ernahme of an upper physician place in the radiology. - your profile: We search eine/n aufgeschlossene/n colleague in spectrum of our hospital gef?erte broadly with interest f?das. F?die place are applicable applicants with the specialist acknowledgment radiology or diagnostic radiology or radiological diagnostics. We expect and f?ern Selbst?igkeit, personal responsibility, team spirit as well as absolute patient orientingness. - we offer an interesting T?gkeit with a very broad spectrum in one v?ig newly built radiology to you, to 01. We unterst?en you gladly with the housing search and with au?rbetrieblichen training further. It expects a fastidious task in an engaged team. Description of the department: In Institut f?Pathologie and tumor diagnostics verf? one?r an extensive investigation property. S?liche achievements in the area of the Zytologie and Histologie are furnished. Institut supplies at present all fields of activity in the clinical center, ausw?ige Krankenh?er and the established range in Plauen and environment. Dar?r outside bring along you for readiness for interdisziplin?n co-operation. - your profile: Apart from your high organizational, technical and scientific qualification f?Sie economic thinking is selbstverst?lich. Ideal way are habilitiert you (not condition) and erf?en the conditions for the training further power. Chef?tin/Chefarzt f?Radiologie as retirement follow-up. In Institut f?R?gendiagnostik s?liche achievements in the area of the picture-giving diagnostics are furnished. All Arbeitspl?e is digitized. Institut verf? in the new building?r modern equipment (z. 2007, universal digital photograph place with flat detector Bj. further emphasis of the institute are the interventional peripheral Angiologie and the conventional R?gentherapie. Dar?r outside bring along you for readiness for interdisziplin?n co-operation. - your profile: Apart from your high organizational, technical and scientific qualification f?Sie economic thinking is selbstverst?lich. Ideal way are habilitiert you already and erf?en the conditions for the training further power. Chef?tin/Chefarzt f?Kardiologie/Angiologie. Description of the department: The hospital verf? at present?r 141 beds with the emphasis Gastroenterologie, Kardiologie, Onkologie/H?tologie, Nephrologie and Endokrinologie. In the Kardiologi department exist almost all not invasiven and invasiven Untersuchungsm?ichkeiten einschlie?ich own link heart catheter measuring position, electrical physiology and ICD implantations. W?chenswert w?n zus?liche experiences in the invasiven electrical physiology and HF ablation as well as in the pacesetter and Defibrillatortherapie. The structure 24 h of a catheter readiness and the extension of the electricalphysiological achievements are aimed at. We presuppose the readiness for close co-operation with all ranges of the house. Description of the department: The neurosurgical hospital verf? in a modern new building at present?r 25 beds. The spectrum of the hospital covers the entire width of the field of activity (all operations, navigation, Endoskopie, pain therapy). Treatment emphasis of the hospital is Hirntumore, Wirbels?ensch?n and pain. - your task: The chefarzt of the hospital possesses the Weiterbildungserm?tigung f?5 years. We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n woman employees with interest to patient and team-oriented work. ?ztin/Arzt in further training in the hospital f?Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie and Psychosomatik. Stop yard, verf? ?r the full Weiterbildungserm?tigung. They have to acquire and deepen the M?ichkeit within all substantial ranges of founded knowledge. - your profile: We w?chen ourselves eine/n engagierte/n, aufgeschlossene/n and verantwortungsbewusste/n woman employees with interest to patient and team-oriented work. Offer long-term place in much sch?r modern optician practice with friendly team, ausbauf?g, family-oriented, ideally f?Frauen, directly in the city centre. Hierarchy: Upper physician/Ober?tin - Dermatologie kind of the employment: (job without n?re designation). Kind of the employment: Fixed employment in hospital/practice. If you did not find or too few results, pay attention please to the correct way of writing. Do not use Abk?ungen. An?hesiologie other results than the search for An?hesie. You find a list of the used fields and the used KV areas to the Einschr?ung of your search here:. ?rnehmen, by marking the search word and with "Ctrl+c". With "Strg+v" you k?en the search word into the suchfeld einf?n or click you on the left. It your Versicherungsp?en - free ones. It with the structure of a hospital in San Martin de Loba in Colombia. Recruit starting from 15 euro per day Berufsunf?gkeits - insurance, additional insurances, KFZ here. Dental practice or medical practice sells or letting and suchen.000 applicants, who buy or rent your practice. We?rnehemen gladly your order and obtain your medical practice or dental practice. Planning, Finazierung, letting, Ausf?ung and realization and Praxisb?e in Germany (?r 5. more?er our partner program Traficheck-24 we offer an insurance comparison to you. With Tarifcheck-24 you k?en unabh?g and free of charge insurance compare. W?en it your insurance to the comparison - free. To the insurance comparison you come here --

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