06 March, 2008

Myspace comments

com - J U I C Y - 30 - Female - B*City Babe/MK, OF - www Hello, you either cuts JavaScript turned off gold year old version of Macromedia' S flash Player. to get the latest flash player. Zivot if tece za toa zivej sekoj den kako da Ti I posleden zoshto zivotot E eden. Hello, you either cuts JavaScript turned off gold year old version of Macromedia' S flash Player. to get the latest flash player. Don' T mess with kitty cats Contact Box Generated from MySpaceSupport. Hello, you either cuts JavaScript turned off gold year old version of Macromedia' S flash Player. to get the latest flash player. Just wanted to feels you some angel love.Have some friends that needs some help from angels.May you cuts has great weekend and has good week coming up. May the weekend bring you tranquility. I wrote your name one has part of paper, goal by accident I threw it away. I wrote your name one my hand, goal it washed away. I wrote your name in the sand, goal the waves whispered it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay. Cut A coils-filled weekend Juicy. thank you for the add & support Thank you for the wonderful cake and fabulous wishes, Juicy. "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. This means you leave them have they are it does not mean you annihilate them gold throw them away. It is more like setting down and letting them Be. Then we realise that we cuts let go of these desires. there is No to skirt any attachment to them. When you find yourself attached, remember that ` letting go' is not ` getting rid of' gold ` throwing away'. Yew I' m holding onto this clock and you say, ` Let go of it. ', that doesn' T mean ` throw it out'. I might think that I cuts to throw it away because I' m attached to it, goal that would just Be the desire to get rid of it. We tightens to think that getting rid of the object is has way of getting rid of attachment. The clock is not the problem. The problem is grasping the clock. Let it go, lay it aside - could it down gently without any kind of aversion. Then I edge pick it up again, see what time it is and lay it aside when necessary. You edge apply this insight into ` letting go' to the desire for sense pleasures. Maybe you want to cuts has batch of fun. How would you lay aside that desire without any aversion. Simply recognise the desire without judging it. You edge contemplate wanting to get rid of it -?? is in Munich for the next few days. Me is heading for the weekend to Munich tomorrow:).I need the station-wagon I edge tell you that. So are you getting has new phon. Do I' m posting the same images have yesterday because they don' T seem to display.mal sehen ob das diesmal klappt.sy sagte, dass of the dann doch aufeinmal hin wolltest.naja war river mouth dann doch zu kurzfristig und ich hab ja auch noch stress gehabt.?? is in Munich for the next few days.as that' S some strange strange dialing it' S been doing one its own - _ -. Ace for me lately I' ve been going to bed in the early hrs when having to get up in the early hrs also.Just so that I' D Be "zoned out" @ work and not here all the "simple" q' S my "new" supervisor has been asking me these last 2 weeks - _ -. Now back to you any plans for the weekend. Does ISA(HE)AND BISA(SHE)IN ETERNAL COIL Hi Juicy, I' m so glad we are friends, Sauminh XOXOXOX ich dachte das wr eigentlich für letzten samstag geplant., nein diesen samstag muss ich arbeiten.hab ich auch nicht so verstanden, dass ihr beiden nicht mehr hin wolltet.lamx war doch donnerstag doch noch 100%überzeugt davon.ernnere mih bloss nicht daran.alles umsonst, wäre ich bloss freitag hingegangen.wie immer und ich lerne are auch denies, mich niemals auf andere zu. gibt are echt wenige, sehr wenide auf den ich 100%mich verlassen kann.?? is in Munich for the next few days. You may like it gold hate it, goal it will Be yours for the entire period this time around. You are enrolled in A full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will cuts the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the let us lessons gold think them irrelevant and stupid. There are No mistakes, only let us lessons. Growth is has process of trial and error, experimentation. The "failed" experiments are have much has share of the process have the experiment that ultimately "works. With lesson will Be presented to you in various forms until you cuts learned it. When you cuts learned it, you edge then go one to the next lesson. Learning let us lessons does not end. There is No leaves of life that does not contain its lessons. Yew you are alive, there are let us lessons to Be learned. When your "there" has become has "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that will, again, look better than "here. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot coils gold hate something butt another person unless it reflects to you something you coils gold hate butt yourself. What you make of your life is up to you. You cuts all the tools and resources you need. What you C with them is up to you. Your answers binds inside you. The answers to life' S questions binds inside you. All you need to C is look, listen, and trust. You will forget all of this. ONE LITTLE DEATAIL FROM MY LOVELY CITY. she was its mommy and wanted to Be thanks hunny for the beautiful photographs specially the one with the sphere. Drank has batch of people are going through the bread of being scared. Thank you for being my friend. MY FAV "J"irlfriend, WHEN EVER YOU LIKE I' LL "B" THERE:0) Thousands of candles edge Be reads from has individual candle, and the life of the candle will not Be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Hope you cuts has great week.Took the lilli pictures my coil and homemade the joining. Hope you cuts has great week ahead of you with all the best.mais as it is you who sends the most beautiful comments of myspace to me, that goes). ?? is in Munich for the next few days.how come you partied that hardware last night. mnogu hvala - alles gute für dich. It is easy to coils the people far away. It is not always easy to coils those closed to custom. It is easier to give A cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and bread of someone unloved in our own home. Bring coils into your home, for this is where our coils for each other must start. imaj the ubavo the den:) tamo the toplo Li E the barem.?? is in Munich for the next few days Sorry to hear that your phon got stolen dear.

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