12 March, 2008

The Crow tribe

. A browser in use it does not support frame not berthed or?onfigurato so that the frame berthed they are not visualized continent except the South America have a type of cornacchia. approximately 45-55 cm, with the sturdy spout and the tail way, the two birds often come. The only way in order to see the difference to?uardare the tail, admitted that the bird is enough kind from aprirla. imperial? tip, while that one of the cornacchia?rrotondata. The imperial crow has also the hairy throat and a spout pi?obusto. In the United States they are diffuse you give lacking?l to river basin in the River Great way, the densit?i exemplary diminishes hand by hand that us. ?itirato in remote regions of the western United States and in northern Canada where it preprefers the forests of conifers and In the United States it is found also in deserts. A lot lives in places does not attend you from the man, from the Aleutine through Full of rocks Alaska and the greater part until the coast of the Pacific of England, the Midlands and the Anglia orient them, while Wales, in the Highlands Scottish and in less the most inhabited of England north orients them like also in the montuose areas of Asia and in deserts. The cornacchia?l pi?regario between the members of the family of i. It nests in single families, various dal. the day, per?si re-unites in groups, often with a lookout whom it foreshadows of approaching itself of tools in order to draw larve the stocks to take advantage of the mechanisms of the man: the television cameras closed circuit make to fall the walnuts in front of then blot some to wait for that the automobile leaving, breaks off and allows they to them cornacchia?ncora despised, although shares characteristics less members of parliament of the gazze and the sparrows attracted from luccicanti objects and?in general, a bird to always return in the same place year after year around to the month of March for riprodursi, dopodich?bbandona the nest and return to. The imperial crow, instead?olto little conviviale: single unit?amiliare is reproduced in one and lives consequently. Its nest, place of usual in top to where not to pu?ssere seen?atto of ramoscelli and?operto. make combats, rolling in the air for divertimento. cornacchia, also the sure crow?nnivoro and of less intelligente.in every way?olto pi?ifficile not to observe and the much less easy one to pull outside from the nest species in extinction danger, to the contrary of the cornacchia. As just?acile to confuse the crow with the cornacchia?acile to make confusion also between their powers species they are overlapped, a distinction is made, men laddove predominates the cornacchia, it assumer?nche. A specific example to pu?ssere possibilit?i the metamorphosis places in which both live the species, this capacit?iene. On the whole, however, are minimal the differences between the two attribute to the cornacchia, and not to the crow, the gift of the light. However the cornacchia does not live cos? north and, in fact, in the story inuit, cornacchia (the crow) steals the light from an other trib?ma does not succeed to handle it perch?roppo. sun?olo for met?el the time lnuit honors it there and they never do not hurt it for fear that you carry via of the light leaving them in order always. ?he also the Chinese make an association from the moment who adore one cornacchia. Haida, that they live in the islands of Puget Sound, attributed to the first woman, with some interesting parallelism with the story woman comes puts molding on to you from the clay. the story begins with one great flooding. After it are rifocillato, per?inizia to perch?rima made the jokes. shell that is opened and that in the two strange creatures to two legs, without hairs, without then, with its pi?ffabile voice. its eyes are illuminated and realize that, if?n to be male there and a female, to put them together and to see that one that to that does not find of the chitoni (molluschi). It opens them one by one and in everyone it finds. It convinces to go up on its back and the door day the not?i?nnoiato crow, even if in this joke made to umanit?nel the clan, it came ritualmente "killed" cos?Nel meantime, the Tlingit of the same region, were uniforms in two fundamental groups opposite of the America Seneca agriculturists embraced you. They cultivated granturco, fagioli and meloni and held in great esteem the Spirit of the Plants organized thanks rising in order to honor the Mother flock, the head ordin?he came burns the fields that white women became black for the smoke legend sioux have defined many of abilit?ella the example the gift of the speech, of the profezia and its role to you of. A band was tormented from the cornacchie. insegn?oi to speak to all the languages. Pass?na moon and this head guadagn?a powerful reputation of trib?oteva stretching an ambush to the enemies before that these. Like also the black color, the NATO you of America identified the cornacchia with the Great Mystery, the abyss cune trib?rientali was the one who that stopped the sacred laws that extend beyond the rules and the norms of the societ?Cheyenne had cos?lta an opinion of its powers, than its piume replaced those of Aquila in their hat from war. Others trib?egli Southeastern United States believed that the bird and its pote represented the pure insulted malvagit?era had it as guardiano spirit was feared. In Europe it has many equal characteristics to those of the species na, is in the good is in the evil. Roman was guardiana and, as in the legend of the Seneca, origin. Apollo the shipments? to control its pregnant lover and she it riport?a news of the dead women of the child, the God of the sun, in its ira, cambi?l its piumaggio from white man to black. Like the sparrow and gazza?n' excellent imitatrice. the language uniform, as advised from Plinio. they often carry information, making from particularly antichi messengers they knew the language of the men and one of these was exactly the cornacchia. skillful or on the left of the path it foretold Victoria or defeat in. In the State of Maryland, finally, the filastrocca originally dedicated to the gazza?tata adapted to One cornacchia pain two joy three cornacchie a four wedding one birth. The heraldry defines it audacious and able to fly to large. It comes attributed also an acute sense of the olfatto one. Linneo osserv?he the Swedes considered it Nordic Hate had two crows, Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) that they made it from messengers and always the crow was the companion of Hates when was found on the dawn. The God ricompensato of its efforts with the capacit?i. associated with the gift of the observer and with the magic statue of an endowed crow of magical powers they believed that pronosticasse, with its movements, happened or Ai the times of Carl II were allegated that the British monarchy would have fallen if the crows of the Tower of London were fly to you via here perch?ggi come puttinges in condition for not being able. In Scozia, the hunters believed that to feel the back of the crow before the hunting succeeding was sign of and ab. The common crow has practically the same power Scottish thinks that a its nest close to a room is of same variet?i the colors of the lupo, but a cape gray rossastro with legs color rust and the chest and dark yellow or Diversamente from the dog or the lupo, the coyote runs with the low tail, assuming a vile aspect vaguely cultivates to you, scrubs and areas scattered of masses cost western until in Alaska to north, to south until in Mexico, east in the praterie, and mountains and forests of the northeast. single?assente in far away sudest, the areas. Various from the lupo, the coyote not alive in branches, never familiar groups composed from parents and sons. the small leave the group in order to couple themselves and to occupy a remained new indisturbato, the coyote?aprofago like cornacchia or the volture that arrive entirety in order to end the rests of its. Perhaps for this dealt?tato reason with less. However, this, we call it?tata cos?debolezza also its salvation, from the moment that has facilitated it in adapting itself to been left over of the man the a lot pi?i how much is not as an example is both extremely loyal. The familiar groups show the same social structure, the same attitudes and the capacit?omunicative of i. Their positioning to the inside of a familiar group comes indicated with the same gestures, with low head and tail to disturbed state, the?iventato coyote the main predator, but does not have n?a force n?a mass in order to pull down great animals. Hunting therefore small mammals like roditori or rabbits, but nutre also of fruit and vegetables. The delivery happens after one gestation of 60. The eyes are opened after 14 or 16 various days trib?l coyote comes attributed the creation. Shoshoni believed that the world had created, with the brother lupo and that, after the dead women, the spirit of the man would have gone. In one Miwok legend, the silver-plated vixen man, clay fact, cos?offo and stupid who Old (the creator) invi?l coyote perch?ducasse. America honored the coyote for the gift del. had stolen to the beings of the fire with its astuteness and its. Infuriated, the spirits gave the hunting to it, they caught it for the tail and gliela they singed. and here perch?oda of the coyote today?ianca. approximately 50 trib?si they abstain eating meat of the River Clearwater (Tseme nakem) of the ldaho. the two began to litigate until that arriv?che the animals do not litigate between they perch?rima or then vato the man who would have given the trasform?ntrambe in stone, as they remain still today, blocked in a battle position: a monument to the stu. For the Lakota the coyote was the animal that represented Wakinyan. the coyote was Heyoka, that it means. Who saw the coyote in a vision was. They wore the tuniche of summer and little various rags sui. to fulfill to the own call appeared normal to wear the dressed ones of the other sex, not all. Therefore one presumes that this was sign of an other. They had theirs correspondent in the sacred ones clown (tsukawimkya, Hopi whose task was to teach through satira. the things to the contrary, revealed the reason that is beyond the rules and If the coyote looked at itself or a lightning in a vision, was. Therefore the scherzoso coyote?ia is. It stops the wisdom, perch?olo knowing la..I At all was an other name lakota for the spirit. In any case this conception attributes to the coyote thefts, codardia and malvagit?i every type sudoccidentali, the coyote was not alone the wisdom, but also bearer of the wisdom and the sun together. A legend quite attributes the creation to it of the sun. Therefore, in the territories in which not there are the lupi?l coyote that leaves of this group all the pi?iccoli members of the family of the cetacei and, in every group, the measures varied color: some have of macchiette the white women, other yellow. All the dolphins and the focene have the tip. Made exception for the orca, the dolphins and the focene of usual they inhabit waters pi?iepide regarding the whale example, the spotted dolphin is found along the coast of the Carolina of the South, in Florida and to the west in. The dolphin from the nose to bottle swims in waters long the coasts. Some species inhabits the Seas of Ireland and the North and waters pi?redde of the Patagonia, while others are found. A sweet water species exists also that lives in the River of the Amazons dolphins is sociable creatures, like the whales. They communicate using a series of cracks, it hisses and it plays degree to isolate and translate the meant one of some sounds and assert to have spoken with they imitating of the callbacks. They are carnivorous and between the hunters pi?eroci of the profondit?arine, to the par of the otarie. they conclude with a dolphin or focena that it helps or a ship to the drift to berth cases documents you of similar actions of valor. the small in surface after the birth in order to make it to breathe is tests of the fact that is the dolphins is the focene carries a member of the branco wounded and become ill until the super ones supporting it finch?on?n degree to swim from single part of the cultural traditions of the aborigines of America connected the dolphin come from the nordovest of the Pacific and. The Haida of the Islands Queen Charlotte of British Columbia was people of masters sea and used its heraldic image on the boats for proteggersi from the elements. Without doubt, the aborigines of the Gulf and the caraibica area must have regarding legends the focene and the dolphins from the nose to bottle the inhabitants of the islands of Polynesia that a God to all considers focena the effects were convinced that the dolphin was a fish precaution symbol, since, when a storm is approached. of two dolphins that swim entirety it represented equilibrium instead s swim in opposite directions, represented decline. A dolphin alone was the allegoria of the salvation. a your comment if it appeals to this situated one to you or this pagina.fai to grow with your straight sponsor the Country reserves you to the same authors strictly forbidden to copy witnesses and images.

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